Sunday, August 31, 2008

QBE Riverfire

Saturday was Brisbane’s biggest and most spectacular fireworks display. The QBE Riverfire, which transforms the city into a massive celebration, as hundreds of thousands of people pack the banks of the Brisbane River and come together in backyards across the suburbs. The fireworks started at 7pm and lasted for 30mins.

Initially i was at Southbank to catch the works, but there was an over-accumulation of people and i realised that there wasn't any good spot for clear view of the works display.

Do ignore the dates on the pics, it wasn't my cam and the cam wasn't configured properly.

Hence, i travelled to just infront of Story Bridge to catch first class view of the works. It was spectacular.

Saturday, August 30, 2008


When studying proves too stressful, the only and best way to de-stress is to have good food. Glorious food. so i went to try out the famous BBQ/grilled chicken at Nando's. it's my first time, and i have to say, thou it's different from KFC, i'd prefer this over fried chicken. it simply taste superb.

the order was whole chicken in hot peri-peri sauce. full of flavour, hot, spicy, grilled to tenderness and juicy on the inside. had a coleslaw for side, even that is nice.

it may not look appealing. but looks can be deceiving.

just now you see it, now you don't... even gravy is not spared.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

First taste


it's been a while since i last made an entry.
exactly 10 days.
things are picking up really fast in school like i said. just fresh out from a mid-sem exam paper today,
got a first taste of how Uni exams are like. Microbial Biotechnology. it isn't exactly like an exam in a hall, more of a 2 hour test in a lab. but one thing to note, it ain't simple. the only thing for now is to hope for the best and be prepared for the worst. what took place before the test were things like assignment proposal, presentation and soon to come are stuff like 1 more exam paper, essay to be handed in on Monday, report that's due next week. seems like neverending work to do. well, we just have our ownself to blame if we want to. i was the one who willingly paid $12k AUD, to torture myself here in brisbane...
all right, i shall end here. gotta go get ready for the next paper on friday. will keep you people posted...

Monday, August 18, 2008

问心无愧, 又何忌人言可畏。

I'm sorry guys. been 7 days since i last blogged.
it's been a month since school started. and by now, you could guess that more or less work is piling and i'm getting busy. gonna have 2 mid-sem papers coming up in 2 weeks time. so... yeah.. most probably won't have much to blog about. unless all of you wanna read about Human Molecular Genetics and Microbial Biotechnology, and i could start talking about it online.
it's really amazing how time flies when you study. only when you study.
i'll try to keep interesting stuff up on this blog, when i have time. but until then just assume i 吃的饱,睡的好; and just chat with me online or email me.

Monday, August 11, 2008


some days ago i received a mail from Adeline. and it brought back many memories of when i was younger. now, I'm gonna share the contents with you audience.

cartoons we watched from yesteryear...
i still remember the lines. "when your powers combine... I... am captain planet!"

"here i come to save the day!"

part of sesame street.

alvin and the chipmunks.

donald duck, and the 3 are Huey, Dewey, and Louie.

"it's morphin' time!"

such a classic.

times when there was no digimon, no PSP, no nintendo... either this or marbles.

board games weren't popular and we were too young for 大老二。

radio and tv guide, aka Life section then...

wooooooh... queen of canto.

i forgot what this is called. the courtesy lion?

wah lau... when was the last time you saw this?

those were the days...

ok, here is the food section. always can be bought at minimart or 杂货店。gum with temporary tattoo, before gum was banned.

satay? i can't remember.

first nintendo Wii prototype. hahaha...

soon, it will become Playstation!

i'm expert in this lor... always win :)

当我们同在一起 在一起 在一起
当我们同在一起 其快乐无比
你对着我笑嘻嘻 我对着你笑哈哈
当我们同在一起 其快乐无比。。。

miss your kindergarden and primary school friends?