Thursday, November 26, 2009

the Fat Kid

third from left, second from right.

Just So Awesome!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

to PhD or not to PhD?

days ago i was discussing with my supervisor about some work stuff in her office. after the conversation ended and i left her office, a thought came through my mind all of a sudden.

i wondered, if i should continue doing a PhD once i finished my Honours? this question set of another question, whereby; if i were to continue doing a PhD immediately, should i do it overseas or should i do it in Singapore?

i don't think it's too early to ponder over such things, after all, i should have an idea what my next step would be once I've stepped out of Honours. not that i dont have an idea of my next step, if doing a PhD was out of the way, my topmost priority would definitely be to search for and start on a job. got killer loans waiting for me to pay off.

if i would want to continue a PhD, i potentially have a spot with the group i used to do my internship. reason being: i went back to GIS (Genome Institute of Singapore) when i was back in Singapore during June, and visited my ex-supervisor and colleagues. after the visit, the group principal investigator offered me a place in his lab to further my PhD if i wanted to do so. lucky me...

i've also been looking at the A*star graduate scholarship (overseas) provided by A*star themselves, and i must say that the scholarship is pretty attractive, thou it ain't gonna be easy getting it. on the other hand, i've also contemplated to stay on in UQ to continue my PhD. if i were to stay on for a PhD, it's gonna be another 4 long years. i'm gonna miss everyone, and everyone's gonna miss me (i hope). plus, i'm not too sure if my family is able to continue support my living expenses here. highly doubt so.

there's a part in me that hopes and wish to be able to start earning asap.
well.... gonna leave this for now to ponder about in the future.